Lost Spark Games
An experiment in Indie Game Development brought to you by GameMaker Studio 2.
About Us ... err ... Me
My first computer was a BBC B at the age of 8 back in 1981. My brother and I used to run code from Input magazine. I went to technical college following school, there I learnt to code in Pascal and 6502 assembly language.
After that I took an apprenticeship with a leading Telecommunications company training and further education included C++ and 8080 assembly language. That led to a Masters in Software Engineering where I picked up Smalltalk, SQL and Java. There my love for OOP started.
That was the end of coding for me for a few years as I moved roles through various telecommunications technologies, into networking and finally network security. IT professionals always dabble in scripting which is different to coding in my opinion. As cloud technology picked up on premise IT infrastructure embraced automation. This is where my skill sets merged and I became a full time Network Automation coder. Python, Django, Ansible, Javascript (an abomination imo), bash, and a little bit of Golang.
My close relationship with the birth of home computing also means I'm a gamer. I played the original Elite and now play Elite Dangerous on my VR headset. But I long for the playability of games I played on my Amiga. As a result I always wanted to code my own games and I've looked at many frameworks but I always hit the same blockers.
I had some fun creating enemy AI with GameMaker. But I never progressed beyond place holder graphics. Graphics and sound have always been a blocker for me. But with the birth of easily accessible AI tools those barriers have been removed so here I am. Attempting my first, rather ambitious, game utilising GameMaker Studio 2.
The purpose of this blog is to inspire and help other and also of course to market my game which is arduous for a coder but essential and unavoidable. So I hope people find useful information on this site and the platforms I use and in return consider buying my games one day.

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